☆ 20 franc French gold coin.

All the 20 Franc gold coins minted between 1803 and 1914 are known under the name of napoleon gold coins, with a weight of 6.4516 Gr Title: 900/1000e, diameter: 21 mm

The price of napoleon gold 20 francs.

The 20 Francs French in Gold value is very close to or equal to the value of gold contained. All other things being equal, the price of Napoleon will rise if the international value of the euro falls and vice versa, due to the expression of the international value of gold in US dollars.

Why buys Napoleons?

All Napoleons 20 franc gold coin have the same diameter, 21 mm, and the same title: 900/1000. The weight, 6.452 grams will always be the same as well.
The production of Napoleon coin in gold, from the nineteenth to the twentieth century was important. 553 million 20 franc coins were manufactured, just over 2800 tons of pure gold. It is the most traded gold coin in France.

When gold was cheap, I’ve been buying Napoleon . These are by far my favorite gold coins. These iconic coins are of significant historical importance. The 20 franc napoleons were minted around 1805 and these 20 franc coins contain about 0.186 Oz of gold while the 40 francs contain twice that. At the time, the spot price of gold was $ 500 which worked out to ~$ 100 of gold in the 20 francs. I started buying these gold coins for about $ 125 online, so I only paid a measly $ 25 premium to own a 200 year old coin! I’ve bought dozens of them online without problem. They are very difficult to find in stores (both brick and mortar and online) and I totally expect them to go up in value. Part of the increase will come from the increase in the price of gold, and part of it will come from the premium that is associated with collectible coins.

As the price of gold has escalated from a low of $ 275 in 2000 to the current $ 2350 in 2024, the demand in collectible coins has also increased. This has resulted in a sharp demand for numismatic coins and a corresponding increase in their value.

The more obscure the coin, the more the price over the spot price of gold. Coins that have not been minted for 200 years are absolutely numismatic. In the past, these coins have been melted down for various reason, lost, or lie at the bottom of our world’s oceans. Since the mintage is dropping, the scarcity of these coins is increasing and thus they should make a good long term investment. And in the worst case,you can show them to your grandkids and teach them a little bit about history.

20 franc french in gold, types and mintage.

20 Francs Gold Bonaparte first consul.

Engraver: Pierre Joseph Tiolier
Minted between AN XI and AN 12
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
This coin had a mintage of 1,000,000 coins.
Scarcity Indice R2
Scarcity Indices  R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3: Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
20 francs An XIA58 262
20 francs An 12A988 244

Gold coins of 20 francs of the First Empire 1804-1814.

20 Francs Gold Napoleon Emperor.

Engraver : Pierre Joseph Tiolier
Minted AN 12
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
This coin had a mintage of 400,000 coins.
20 francs An 12A428 143

20 Francs gold Napoléon the first bare head. 

Engraver : Jean-Pierre Droz
Minted between AN 13 and AN 14
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo
This coin had a mintage of 600,000 coins. Coins minted in AN 13 and l’AN 14( Mint mark A ) Scarcity Indice R2  Coins minted in l’AN 13 and l’AN 14 ( Mint mark I – Q – T – U – W ) Scarcity Indice R4
Scarcity Indice R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3 : Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
An 13A518 87120 francs An 13T918An 14Q2 710
20 francs An 13 I31520 francs An 14 A148 30820 francs An 14 U1 755
20 francs An 13 Q52220 francs An 14 I1 64620 francs An 14 W<<

20 Francs Or Napoléon Ier bare head Gregorian calendar.

Engraver : Jean-Pierre Droz
Minted in 1806
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
This coin had a mintage of 1,000,000 coins.
Scarcity Indices R2
Scarcity Indices R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3 : Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
20 francs 1806A963 8961806Q3 973 20 francs 1806W4 242
20 francs 1806I8 14320 francs 1806U17 278
Rq. : variety 1807A, 1807M, 1807U et 1807W with bigger head

20 Francs Or RÉPUBLIQUE.

Engraver : Jean-Pierre Droz
Minted between 1807 and 1808.
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
This coin had a mintage of 600,000 coins.
Scarcity Indice R2
Scarcity Indices R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3 : Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
1807A244 47620 francs 1808M22 27320 francs 1808W8 489
20 francs 1808A1 449 78120 francs 1808 Q646
20 francs 1808K28120 francs 1808 U1505

20 Francs Or EMPIRE. 

Engraver : Jean-Pierre Droz
Minted between 1809 and 1814
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
This coin had a mintage of 15,000,000 coins. Scarcity Indice R1
Scarcity Indices R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3 : Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
20 francs 1809A688 25220 francs 1811A3 705 48920 francs 1813A2 798 409
20 francs 1809H50120 francs 1811H1 27820 francs 1813CL4 380
20 francs 1809K3 61420 francs 1811K10 91720 francs 1813K869
20 francs 1809L2 38320 francs 1811M4 97120 francs 1813L19 147
20 francs 1809M5 0071811U20 2681813Q13 165
20 francs 1809U3 40020 francs 1811W327 67020 francs 1813R5 532
20 francs 1809W16 95320 francs 1812A3 072 36520 francs 1813U925
20 francs 1810A1 936 19420 francs 1812K2 65020 francs 1813W104 444
20 francs 1810H2 45420 francs 1812L17 94120 francs 1813 Utrecht90 183
20 francs 1810K15 31720 francs 1812M6 49820 francs 1814A327 603
20 francs 1810M1 98320 francs 1812Q5 47020 francs 1814CL887
20 francs 1810Q2 34320 francs 1812R13 69320 francs 1814Q3 289
20 francs 1810U5 89120 francs 1812U7 33920 francs 1814W15 581
20 francs 1810W222 62020 francs 1812W345 842

20 Francs goldNapoléon I. Cent-Jours – 1815.

  • gold 900 °/oo. 21 mm. edge = “DIEU PROTÈGE LA FRANCE”.
20 francs 1815A435 981
20 francs 1815L18 332
20 francs 1815W9 369
Engraver : Pierre Joseph Tiolier
Minted between 1814 and 1815
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
This coin had a mintage of 6,000,000 coins. Scarcity Indice R1
Scarcity Indices R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3 : Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
20 francs 1814A2 683 83720 francs 1814W59 72420 francs 1815L54 702
20 francs 1814K62 68020 francs 1815A2 467 03820 francs 1815Q46 999
20 francs 1814L45 00320 francs 1815B23 05420 francs 1815W137 802
20 francs 1814Q28 63220 francs 1815K34 508
Louis XVIII : Première restauration (1814-1815)

20 Francs Louis XVIII GOLD bust dressed.

Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
Engraver : T.Wyon Jr.
This coin had a mintage of 1,000,000 coins. Scarcity Indice R2
Scarcity Indices R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3 : Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
1815R (Londres)871 581
Exil de Louis XVIII, 1815

20 Francs Or Louis XVIII Londres (1815).

Some coins of King Louis XVIII were minted in London in 1815. The English supported the return of the French king to power after he had been overthrown by Napoleon in 1815, during the famous Hundred Days. The coins minted in London were reportedly authorized by Louis XVIII himself and were used to pay the British troops occupying parts of northwestern France. Some of these coins eventually reached Paris and were deemed counterfeit by local monetary authorities. A diplomatic exchange between France and England ensued, and the activity was halted. The English artist who engraved the dies in London, Thomas Wyon Jr. (1792-1817), a highly accomplished artist, was insulted when his dies—low-relief and based on French coins and the original engravings by Pierre Joseph Tiolier (1763-1819), a French engraver born in London—were considered inferior. Allegations also surfaced that the London Mint had not complied with French law regarding fineness and tolerance for these coins, and these claims were used to justify the rapid withdrawal of the coins from circulation. However, contemporary analyses have shown that the London Mint had indeed followed French law. No coins were minted after November 30, 1815.

1815R (Londres)871 581

Exil de Louis XVIII, 1815

20 Francs gold Louis XVIII bare bust. 

Engraver : Auguste François Michaut
Minted between 1816 and 1824
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
This coin had a mintage of 13,000,000 coins. Scarcity Indice R0
Scarcity Indices R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3 : Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
20 francs 1816A167 92120 francs 1818Q25 12320 francs 1821A11 761
20 francs 1816L85320 francs 1818T16 10820 francs 1821W8 446
20 francs 1816Q8 24420 francs 1818W1 315 27620 francs 1822A212 733
20 francs 1816W4 29520 francs 1819A2 350 20620 francs 1822H1 253
20 francs 1817A2 135 14720 francs 1819Q33 83820 francs 1822W19 951
20 francs 1817K4 80320 francs 1819T8 73420 francs 1823A12 432
20 francs 1817L36 18020 francs 1819W218 53520 francs 1823W7 655
20 francs 1817Q97 23220 francs 1820A1 317 46120 francs 1824A1 509 784
20 francs 1817W155 52020 francs 1820Q60 453 20 francs 1824MA2 001
20 francs 1818A2 680 95020 francs 1820T54 70220 francs 1824Q11 950
20 francs 1818L5 39420 francs 1820W46 99920 francs 1824W253 283
Rq. : variety without horse head (1820A : 2 500, 1824A : 2 500)

20 Francs gold CHARLES X

Engraver : Auguste François Michaut
Minted between 1824 and 1830
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
This coin had a mintage of 1,700,000 coins. Scarcity Indice R1
Scarcity Indices R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3 : Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
20 francs 1824A<<20 francs 1826W6 43620 francs 1828W15 212
20 francs 1825A664 47220 francs 1827A154 40420 francs 1829A7 783
20 francs 1825W62 33320 francs 1827W3 43120 francs 1829W5 946
20 francs 1826A35 14320 francs 1828A278 87220 francs 1830A431 495
20 francs 1826Q4 57420 francs 1828T3 17520 francs 1830W15 022
Rq. : variety tranche en relief 1830A (<<) et tranche striée 1830A (<<)

20 Francs Louis Philippe Bare head. 

Engraver : Nicolas Pierre Tiolier
Minted between 1830 and 1831
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
This coin had a mintage of 2,000,000 coins. Scarcity Indice R1
Les indices de rareté R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3 : Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
Edge DIEU PROTÈGE LA FRANCE year 1830A, 1831A, 1831B, 1831W
20 francs 1830A18 39120 francs 1831B88 286
20 francs 1831A2 161 84120 francs 1831W106 816
Rq. : variety tranche en relief 1830A, 1831A, 1831B, 1831T, 1831W

20 Francs Louis Philippe head laurée. 

Engraver : Joseph François Domard
Minted between 1832 and 1848
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
This coin had a mintage of 2,300,000 coins. Scarcity Indice R0
R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3 : Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
20 francs 1832A6 36020 francs 1835L29320 francs 1841W8 524
20 francs 1832B14 97620 francs 1835W30 02020 francs 1842A70 942
20 francs 1832T86820 francs 1836A139 01320 francs 1842W21 694
20 francs 1832W27 22920 francs 1836W10 36320 francs 1843A105 867
20 francs 1833A207 22420 francs 1837A34 37620 francs 1843W35 463
20 francs 1833B155 37120 francs 1837W10 51320 francs 1844A102 753
20 francs 1833W31 71220 francs 1838A172 59520 francs 1844W34 360
20 francs 1834A744 16720 francs 1838W12 35820 francs 1845A939
20 francs 1834B77 22620 francs 1839A1 011 62220 francs 1845W5 018
20 francs 1834 L20 64520 francs 1839W21 83220 francs 1846 A102 913
20 francs 1834 W41 30620 francs 1840 A2 045 36220 francs 1846 W1 408
20 francs 1835A96 70620 francs 1840 W4 55020 francs 1847A385 301
20 francs 1835 B25 90820 francs 1841 A610 22920 francs 1848 A441 796

Second République: 1848-1852

20 Francs gold angel. 1848 – 1849

Engraver: Augustin Dupré
Year: Minted between 1848 and 1849
21 mm – 6.45 g – 900‰ gold. 21 mm diameter.
Indented edge inscription: “DIEU PROTÈGE LA FRANCE” (“God Protects France”).
Just under 3 million pieces were issued, rarity index R0.
Rarity indices: R0: Very common / R1: Common / R2: Uncommon / R3: Rare / R4: Very rare / R5: Extremely rare.
20 francs 18481 543 091
20 francs 18491 302 970

Volume par année de la 20 Francs Or Génie

20 Francs gold angel. 1849 – 1851

20 francs 1848A1 543 091
20 francs 1849 A1 302 970

20 Francs gold Cérès. 

Engraver : Louis Merley
Minted between 1849 et 1851
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
This coin had a mintage of 17,000,000 coins. Scarcity Indice R0
Scarcity Indices R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3 : Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
20 francs 1849A52 508
20 francs 1850A3 963 594
20 francs 1851A12 704 251
Volume par année de la 20 Francs Or Cérès.

20 Francs gold Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte.

Engraver : Jean-Jacques Barre
Minted in 1852.
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
Tranche en creux = “DIEU PROTÈGE LA FRANCE”.
This coin had a mintage of 10,000,000 coins. Scarcity Indice R0
Scarcity Indices R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3 : Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rar
1852A10 493 758

Gold 20 Francs coins Second Empire : 1852-1871

20 Francs gold Napoléon III bare head.

Engraver : Jean-Jacques Barre
Minted between 1853 and 1860
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
This coin had a mintage of 146,000,000 coins. Scarcity Indice R0
Scarcity Indices R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3 : Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
20 francs 1853A5 729 47120 francs 1856A17 302 53720 francs 1859 A20 295 429
20 francs 1854A23 485 95720 francs 1856BB1 125 03020 francs 1859 BB5 870 646
20 francs 1855A16 595 39720 francs 1857A19 193 21420 francs 1860A10 219 917
20 francs 1855 BB1 759 70120 francs 1858 A16 860 98220 francs 1860 BB5 726 718
20 francs 1855 D363 01720 francs 1858 BB2 016 653
Rq. : variety 1855A (dog head <<, anchor 16 595 397)

20 Francs gold Napoléon III head laurée. 1853 – 1860

Engraver : Jean-Jacques Barre
Minted between 1853 and 1860
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
Engraved edge = “DIEU PROTÈGE LA FRANCE”.
This coin had a mintage of 146,000,000 coins. Scarcity Indice R0
Scarcity Indices R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3 : Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
20 francs 1861E<<20 francs 1864 A7 058 90520 francs 1868E<<
20 francs 1861 A2 607 05420 francs 1864BB3 323 19220 francs 1868 A9 281 061
20 francs 1861BB1 423 19920 francs 1865A2 951 44020 francs 1868 BB4 829 066
20 francs 1862E<<20 francs 1865 BB3 088 41820 francs 1869 A4 046 294
20 francs 1862 A4 825 91520 francs 1866 A6 991 67120 francs 1869 BB7 316 553
20 francs 1862 BB2 906 518 20 francs 1866 BB6 987 50720 francs 1870A864 873
20 francs 1863 A3 920 22620 francs 1867 A2 923 02420 francs 1870 BB1 852 567
20 francs 1863BB3 752 56720 francs 1867 BB4 516 490
Volume par année de la 20 Francs Or Napoléon III tête laurée

Third République : 1871-1940

20 Francs gold Angel III République.

Engraver : Augustin Dupré
Minted between 1871 and 1898
21 mm – 6.45 g – Or 900 °/oo. 21 mm.
This coin had a mintage of 86,000,000 coins. Scarcity Indice R0
Scarcity Indices R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2: Uncommon R3: Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
20 francs 18712 508 49420 francs 1886984 87520 francs 18932 517 168
20 francs 18741 215 98520 francs 18871 231 48720 francs 1894490 838
20 francs 187511 745 60020 francs 188827 70720 francs 18955 293 347
20 francs 18768 824 65820 francs 1889873 09020 francs 18965 330 407
20 francs 187712 759 05720 francs 18901 030 14020 francs 189711 068 977
20 francs 18789 188 60020 francs 1891871 10120 francs 18988 866 327
20 francs 18791 037 52220 francs 1892225 706
Tranche en creux = “DIEU PROTÈGE LA FRANCE”.

20 Francs gold Rooster. 

Engraver : Jules-Clément Chaplain 21 mm – 6.45 g – Or
Minted between 1899 and 1906 Edge DIEU PROTÈGE LA FRANCE This coin had a mintage of 43,000,000 coins.
Minted between 1907 and 1914 edge LIBERTÉ ÉGALITÉ FRATERNITÉ. This coin had a mintage of 74,000,000 coins.
Scarcity Indice R0
Scarcity Indices R0 : Very common / R1 : Current / R2 : Uncommon R3: Rare / R4 : Very rare / R5 : Extremely rare
20 francs 1898<<20 francs 19012 643 35020 francs 19047 705 674
20 francs 18991 500 0020 francs 19022 393 70720 francs 19059 158 132
20 francs 1900615 42520 francs 19034 405 17520 francs 190614 613 010
Edge with lettering DIEU PROTÈGE LA FRANCE years 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906

An advantage is that they are as small in diameter as common currency coins. If you have to bail out with gold by plane, you can mix your gold with your small change in your wallet so that the scanner staff of the airport security will not be alarmed as easily as when you would try to slip full 1 ounce gold coins of larger diameter trough.

Should I go for the 10 Franc rooster or the 20 Franc rooster?

The 10 Franc coins almost always have higher premiums than their 20 Franc equivalents. If the premiums are the same, the 20 Franc is likely overpriced. If you can afford it, go for the 20F, but do yourself a favor and compare prices first. The 10 Franc has a much higher premium compared to the 20 Franc, so I would choose the 20F. You get more gold for your money, especially since many 10 Franc coins were likely melted. Most (80%) were minted between 1850 and 1870, a period when the silver-to-gold ratio rose so much that gold would have almost entirely disappeared from circulation. The 10 Franc coins also show much more wear than the 20 Francs. Half the metal, but 90% of the diameter, meaning a lot of surface area subject to wear. Heavily worn coins were pulled from circulation, and some were likely exported and/or melted.